Thursday, July 27, 2006

Average Joe

Have you ever heard of any of these people: Jeff Posey, Kevin Mench, Dudley Hart, Nathalie Dechy, Steven Reinprecht, Paul Goldstein, Antonio Daniels, Tina Barrett. What two things do these people have in common? 1) They are all incredibly average at their profession. 2) They all make more money than most of us will ever hope to make.

The most recent issue of Sports Illustrated has an article about what the average professional makes in the major sports (in order of the above athletes--football, baseball, men's golf, women's tennis, hockey, men's tennis, basketball, women's golf). These people make an exorbitant amount of money for playing a game....a game which they aren't even the best at.

Now don't get me wrong. I LOVE sports. I'm about ready to shoot myself right now because the only sport in season is baseball, and the Pirates suck. But the amount of money that these people make to be average is ridiculous. And all they do is provide some mild entertainment for us on the weekends. Hell most of these people don't even provide entertainment. When was the last time you ever saw Paul Goldstein in the finals at a major championship? Have you ever tuned in to see how Dudley Hart is doing? These people just show up every week and collect a pay check. Which is really the same thing that most people do, so why do they make 10 times as much as I do?

I firmly believe that the highest-paid people in the world should be teachers. Granted I'm a little biased since both my parents are teachers. But teachers are the ones who educate the next generation. If there were no teachers, we'd be back in Medieval Times, where only the clergy were literate. "But what about the average (and poor) teachers," you say? Well, why not treat them like professional athletes. They all get signed to 3-year contracts coming out of college. If they don't cut the mustard after 3-years, they get released. Schools could do trades, sign free-agents, the whole 9-yards. Maybe there'd even be fantasy teacher leagues. "With the first pick in the 2007 fantasy draft, I select Kimberly Mills - Special Education teacher, Moshannon Valley." Ok, maybe I crossed the line, but you get the point....


Blogger Michael said...

I agree. There are a lot more important issues than what teachers make. I just want my parents to be rich so I can retire.

8:03 AM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

I want my parents to be rich too, but more I want to be rich!!

Hey I changed my web address to, so change the link on your site!

8:55 PM  
Blogger Jimmy said...

You forgot about the Teacher Trading Cards. Maybe instead af a stick of gum, they can package them with a brand spankin' new number 2 pencil or something like that.

9:35 PM  

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