Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Years Resolutions

The New Year always amuses me because of one thing: New Years Resolutions. I love watching people get all geared up for something for about a week, then at the first possible convenience, got back to their old habits. Besides, why do they wait until January 1 to start this crap? Couldn't they have started losing weight in December? Did they have some sort of revelation on New Years Eve that smoking is bad for them?

When I went to the gym on Tuesday I had to laugh at all the people there. Usually, on a busy day, there are 15-20 cars in the parking lot. On Tuesday there were over 40. Yesterday, we were back down to about 35, so I figure it won't be long until everyone decides that losing weight is just too damn hard.

Now I really never make New Years Resolutions, but if I did here's what they'd be:

  1. Continue to go to the gym - I've been slacking off the last month
  2. Stop spending money frivolously - Damn! No more $1.99/min. to call those 976- numbers
  3. Play more poker - I enjoy the game and could probably get good at it. Of course, this is a direct violation of #2
  4. PRACTICE guitar - Playing the intro to Sweet Child O' Mine 100 times a week is not practicing. Neither is playing Guitar Hero for PS2.
  5. Go to church on a regular basis - At this point I need all the help I can get
  6. Find a nice girl and settle down...or maybe just date casually...or maybe a not-so-nice girl...screw it, I'll just get a dog.
  7. Update this blog more than once a month


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