Wednesday, September 13, 2006


We recently had the 5th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Now I don't know why all aniversaries that end in five or zero are important (and the other ones don't seem to be), but that's for another day. I noticed that CNN and Howard Stern were replaying their 9/11 broadcasts as if they were happening all over again. I didn't tune into either, but I really wished I had caught the Stern replay as I started listening to him the day after the attacks, and remember his reactions.

To be honest, I really hadn't given too much thought to the anniversary, until Monday night when I was watching football at my friend Jamie's house. The group of us started talking about it, remembering where we were that day, what we were doing, etc. I realized that 9/11 is the Kennedy Assassination of my generation. Everybody will always remember that day in detail. I was in Pittsburgh at the time, doing my intership at US Steel. I remember they had a TV across the hall from my cube, where we watched the whole thing. When Flight 93 went down, the reporters just kept saying "Pittsburgh" over and over again. I called my parents and my girlfriend at the time, and assured them that I was ok and that if anything happened, I loved them. To this day, those were the hardest calls I've ever had to make.

Looking back, its seems a little absurd to think that something was going to happen to me. I was in a 2 story building on the South Side, so I wasn't in a skyscraper nor near one. But that day, and for the following month, the rumors that went around were crazy....but we believed them all. I distinctly remember being apprehensive about driving through the Squirrel Hill Tunnels for awhile because there was a rumor that they would be a target.

Now I don't want to make my blog political (especially since everyone who reads this is probably more conservative than I am), but it really pisses me off that it's been 5 years, and bin Laden is still on the loose. I remember when we attacked Afghanistan because we were after bin Laden and the terrorists. Maybe it's just me, but somewhere along the way, we seemed to have lost our focus.

Anyway, for those of you who weren't so angered by my psuedo-political nonsense that you made it this far, feel free to drop a line and tell where you were and what you were doing on 9/11. It's interesting to think of the mundane things that we were caught up in on that day, before all the craziness started.


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